Yahoo Groups and the like

Yahoo Groups (ex egroups, onelist and yahoo clubs) is getting yukkier and yukker but a lot of political disscussion goes on the email lists there, although a few less as yahoo removes some in wake of sept11 hystia. I recommend developing alternatives to yahoo groups (see hosting page), Though bounce handling with yahoogroups is often easier for moderators than with some list serves but many are now better at this. Also with many list severs such as mailman one has much more choice and if some one posts from unsubbed address list admin can let through where as one just gets a bounce with yahoo.

Also when one used yahoo one for an organisations list one runs a risk of confusion by asking people to sign up with yahoo which they have to do to look in list archive etc. They are prompted to give much personal info and may mistakenly think they are giving to the organisation rather than a multibillion dollar corporation that reserves the right to do whatever it wants with it. I have know this happen as someone complained about why they had to 'give details we allready had'

Yahoo is now using something called "Web Beacons" to track Yahoo Group users around the net and see what you're doing and where you are going -similar to cookies.

Take a look at their updated privacy statement:

About half-way down the page, in the section on cookies you will see a link that says "web beacons." Click on the phrase "web beacons." That will bring you to a paragraph entitled "Outside the Yahoo Network." In this section you'll see a little "click here to opt out" link that will let you "opt-out" of their new method of snooping.

Once you have clicked that link, you are opted out. Notice the "Success" message on the top of the next page. Be careful because on that page there is a "Cancel Opt-out" button that, if clicked, will *undo** the opt-out.

One can help people avoid adverts by putting blank space at bottom of emails. Also please remove ads from any forwards, if something is worth forwarding it is worth spending time removing adverts from. Also by the way unless placing comments withing forward I advise not to forward with each link starting with > as this makes it more difficult to read, and less noticed, if it is worth forwarding it is worth encouraging more people to read it easily.

You can avoid adverts yourself by using Mozilla for email which you can set to block images from yahoos adserver.

Also set your default preferance to be not to convert plain text emails to HTML, the only reason for this is to give advert more impact.

Why not add a subverted advert, above the actual one, though when I do this and then ask people only a few noticed which is good in shows people are turning off to adverts.

Yahoo removes any old advert code on replies sent to list, so don't copy and paste the banner comment lines to your subverted add.

Send me any dirt on Yahoo for this page.

I recommned if you want easy to use webmail then use cyber– or

if you know me well I can provide pop email with a webmail interface too.

But for those of you who have allready signed up with yahoo to there terms and conditions and use yahoogroups below is a list of some of groups used.

Yahoo edits your emails by changing words

moderators editing pending yahoo group HTML messages can change plain text separate from HTML. So people with different email programs will get different messages.

Refresh tags in HTML mails will refresh in archived mail page, so this is a way to semi hide a message in a yahoo group archive, with 0 section refresh to another page if this is one on a web that you have access log for you can see if some is checking the archive.

One can check if some looks at Yahoo profile by using image from your own site (given access to reffer stats). Note: Opera users can turn off reffer so only will fully bug if nothing else linked to that image. Mozilla users can block images from sites separate to page of hyperlink call.

a small selection eGroups I use (not update for a while):


globalactionscotland ( I recommend you avoid this one )

(heavy load)



prag-logistics (spammed to uselessness along with other s26 lists)

Peoples_War (Maoist)

Experiment in Time Travel

Psychogeography with the Virtual Psychogeographical Association





Also on that other big internet corp: Google

feedback, corrections and additions wellcome to: yweb [at]

If you were looking for pages concerning other subjects on the j12 website then email us ( yweb 'at' ) for help locating them.