From The Wharf ( The weekly paper for Canary Wharf & Docklands May 4

Issue of the Week Would you birch scum who defiled Cenotaph?

What started as a peaceful protest against "global capitalism" turned into a mob riot on May Day with sickeningly (sic) attacks on the Cenotaph and a statue of Winston Churchill. The Cenotaph, a tribute to the young men and women who laid down their lives for Britain, was daubed with paint and the message; "why Glorify War?" A strip of turf was used to ridicule Churchill's ststue in Westminster, giving him a mohican haircut. Anti-monarchists from East London displayed banners with the words; "Queen Mum Hurry Up and Die". Meanwhile passersby were caught in the mayhem as a McDonald's restaurant came under attack by the cowardly thugs, many with their faces masked. Tony Blair led the nation's outrage, saying: "It is only because of the bravery and courage of our war dead that these idiots can live in a free country at all "To deface the Cenotaph and the statue of Churchill is beneath contempt. These people's actions are beneath contempt. These people's actions have got nothing to do with convictions or beliefs and everything to do with mindless thuggery." For the sake of the majority of demonstrators, surely those who let them down so badly must be made to pay for their actions?

Some people have suggested they should be birched. Is this going to far? David Neiberg asked your views.

Chris Jones, Mabey Construction: No Something serious needs to be done to the people who did this. It was a disgusting act but I think bringing back the birch would be excessive.

June McCarry, Boots Yes Birching would not be too extreme for them, it was disgusting. But when you have a mob of that size, how do you control them?

Arthur Matthews, Retired Ad Executive No These people showed moronic intellect and can't acheive anything by these actions - they were inexcusable, but birching would be to extreme.

Leonne Luzak, Burlington Resources No This is bound to evoke emotion but birching is a bit over the top. I think a punishment like community service would be more fitting.

Christine Peppiatt Freelance Surveyor No Birching would be too extreme. I don't agree with their actions, but people do have the right to demonstrate strategically.

Brian Collins Canary Wharf Management Yes I'm ex-RAF and think that not only should they be birched but they should be branded on the forehead so people know who they are.

Canary Wharf is organising a Celebration of Slavery on July 12th, which is the anniversary of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the West India Docks. This was built to protect the produce of the slave plantations of the West Indies. Canary Wharf are planning to open the Hibbert Gate honouring George Hibbert a notorious slave owner. He is being commemorated for streamlining the profiteering from slavery - a sort of Albert Speer of E14. His family received £31,120 in compensation for their 1,618 slaves in 1837. The slaves received nothing, and indeed were indentured for several further years.

letter in response
