
Welcome to the Big Blether (entry handout)
Please pay £5 to £20 if you haven't paid in advance.
The timetable for the weekend is over the page.
To make the Big Blether run smoothly, we will ask everyone to volunteer for a small task such as washing up each day.
Please help!

The kitchen will provide three vegan/ vegetarian meals a day at reasonable prices.

Our hosts are Talamh Life Centre, a registered environmental education charity whose site is owned by Talamh Housing Co-op.
Talamh Life Centre has regular working weeks and welcomes volunteers, and is a host for Willing Workers on Organic farms.
It has created extensive organic gardens, polytunnel, and wildlife habitats including a large pond which is visited by heron, swan and duck.
Other features include a wildflower meadow and organic hay fields for horses.
It is developing the site so it can be used as a community resource for environmental activities.
Immediately after the Big Blether there is a gardening week from 9-14 September and a tree planting week from 25-30 November adding to and maintaining the 10,000 trees already planted with the help of volunteers. If you want to volunteer at Talamh, contact

The Secretary,
Talamh Life Centre,
Birkhill House,
ML11 0NJ

tel 01555 820880,

There are four First Aiders here: El Fahey, Robin Naumann, Gandalf and Ian Reeve.
First Aid kits are in the field kitchen, in the office and in the back of the main house.
There is a phone in the house which can be used in an emergency.
Children should be accompanied by adults at all times as the site contains machinery, sharp materials, steep slopes and deep or fast flowing water.

Please respect the privacy of the people who live here - the house is not part of the Big Blether site. A guided tour will be provided during the weekend.

We hope you didn't bring a dog but if you did please keep it on a lead at all times and please bag and bin dogshit.

Some areas of the site are wildlife habitats and are cordoned off; please don't walk in these areas.
Also please don't roll the hay bales, and only light fires in the firepit by the field kitchen.

The toilets provided are dry composting bins which can be emptied when full. Please cover with sawdust after use and close the lid.

If you have travelled here by car, it will help if you can make a donation for the use of the car park. Please also respect the conditions for our use of the yard at Birkhill Farm for car parking: no naked flames, no smoking, no fires and please don't leave litter.

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