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Female Prisoners List
Welcome to this page. Just to
say at the beginning, because it is the most important: We NEED
YOUR HELP, to update the list, so please send us infos and
addresses of female political prisoners (also when prisoners are
transferred or leave jail). This would be quite helpful. Thank you
very much in advance. Also,
please consider, that this page wants to support female political
prisoners, but often, this takes a lot of time, enthusiasm, money
etc. So, please don't be too tough, if we fail to update or if we
have done something wrong in your opinion, like supporting persons
you have objections to. Just get in touch, and we try to improve as
soon as possible.
Also, we want to stress, that
there are quite a lot of male prisoners needing help, too. Please
look at the webpages of ABC and other support groups to find out
more about them.
As you may see not all prisoners
are anarchists or declare themselves being anarchists. We don't
exclusively support anarchist prisoners, but nearly all those in
prison because of their activities in the class struggle against
capitalism, sexism, fascism, racism and so on. But also those
people who got politicised by their stay in jail. Supporting
prisoners doesn't always mean that we fully agree with their
political views, ideas and actions, but we support them
nevertheless as we see international solidarity as most important.
But we definately don't support fascist, racist, etc.
Get in contact with class
struggle and anarchist prisoners, write them, support them and
their solidarity groups.

Reasha Wolfe has been released.
- Florence Rey, 5262, C.D Rennes, 18
bis rue de Chatillon, BP 3107, 35031 Rennes Cedex Florence is imprisoned because she stole a taxi along
with a friend, and they had a shooting with police (in which died
her friend, the taxi driver and some
Prisoners out of the Action
Directe, have spent more than 13 years in prison so far. (For more
infos: Collectif "Ne Laissons Pas Faire" (NLPF), c/o Librairie
Point Du Jour, 58, rue Gay-Lussac, 75005 Paris, e-mail: actiondirecte,
- Jöelle Aubron 2174K, C.D. -
Quartier Femmes, Chemin des Anzacs, 62451 Bapaume Cedex
- Nathalie Ménigon, 2173 J, Chemin des Anzacs, 62451
Bapaume Cedex
- Véronique Herbert, S 149 E 102/7, CD de Rennes, 18 bis
rue de Chatillon, BP 3107, 35031 Rennes Cedex
Following addresses of Breton prisoners. For more infos:
kengred ha
- Stéphane Philippe, 273 209 B 117, 42 rue de la
santé, 75674 Paris cedex 14
Or try ABC Dijon c/o
Maloka, BP536, 21014-Cedex, France
Idoia Lopez Riano, (33460V, MA
Fleury Mérogis, allée des peupliers, 91705 St
Geneviève des Bois)
Prisoners out of the Red Army
Fraction (RAF). Most of them are more now more than 20 years in
prison, most of the time in strict isolation.
Birgit Hogefeld,
Obere Kreuzackerstr. 4, 60435 Frankfurt
Brigitte Mohnhaupt,
Münchner Str. 33, 86551 Aichach
Eva Haul, Obere
Kreuzackerstr. 4, 60435 Frankfurt
Heidi Schulz apparantly been
released because of health problems.
- Sabine E., Kammergericht Berlin, 1. Strafsenat AZ: 1-4/2000,
Elßholzstr. 30 - 33, 10781 Berlin
Sabine is currently standing trial together with Rudolf,
Matthias, Harald and Axel . They have been in prison on remand for
over two years now. The last day of the trial was planned to be the
28th of february 2002, but it is still going on. They are accussed
by one dodgy witness , who gets
loads of benefits by accusing the others of all possible and
unpossible imaginable crimes. The trial has also been marked by
faulty proceedings of the public prosecutors. As they are accussed
of membership in the RZ, (Revolutionary Cells/ Red Zora.) for
crimes committed in the 80s. Up to now , the German state has never
achieved to prosecute nor prove membership of anybody at all with
connection to the RZ, so the trial is seen as a bit of a desperate
revenge action by the state. Sabine has declared to talk about
crimes committed in the 80s at the end of january in agreement with
the others and is probably released now, because the sentence has
been agreed on not over three years and they had been in prison on
remand for this time.
More information about the trial
is available from their solidarity campaign group: Berliner
Bündnis für Freilassung, Soli-Büro im Mehringhof,
Gneisenaustr. 2a, 10961 Berlin, Tel: +49 - 30 - 693 56 70, Fax: +49
- 30 - 69 50 86 43, e-mail:,
- Andrea Klump, c/o Generalbundesanwaltschaft, Brauerstr. 30,
76137 Karlsruhe
Andrea got 9 nine years in mai 2001 for a bomb attack on a
discotheque targeting NATO members in Spain in 1988. In December
1999 she got arrested in Austria after her compagnion got shot by
police. Andrea was accused of membership in the RAF, which could
not be proved and is denied by Andrea.
Prisoners' support groups
- Women's Organisation for Political
Prisoners, PO BOX 31811, Tel Avid
- Rebbibia Femminile - Via Bartolo Longo 92 - 00156
Rome - Italia Italian feminist arrested
in 1999 along with other two men (now released), accused of
incendiary attacks against political parties headquarters, as a
protest against the war in Yugoslavia.
- Patricia Caddedu has been released.
- Larisa Valeryevna Romanova,
Shosseynaya street 92, IZ 48/6 109388 Moscow
- Olga Aleksandrovna Nevskaya, E-20 p/ya 201, 111020 Moscow
(only speaks Russian)
- Clare Barstow, HMP Cookhamwood, Rochester, Kent ME1 3LU
Framed for murder of the woman she was caring for, who was
killed while Clare was out. Due to confusion and fear, Clare didn't
report the murder and was done for it. Clare has also been harassed by prison staff for involvement in writing
about prison protests and conditions.
- Marianne Keita, HMP Durham, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HU
- Rana Khalifa, HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk
CB8 9YG used as a drug mule without
her knowledge, sentenced for 11 years in about end of
- Susan May, HMP Newhall, Dial Wood, Flockton, Wakefield, Yorks
WF4 4AX Convicted of the murder of
her elderly aunt, for whom she was caring, in 1992. She denies it.
Lost an appeal against her conviction. Contact the Friends of Susan
May, c/o Conviction, PO Box 522, Sheffield, S1
- Zoora Shah, HMP Newhall, Dial Wood, Flockton, Wakefield, Yorks
WF4 4AX Imprisoned for the murder
and attempted murder of a man who had financially, sexually and
physically abused her for 12 years in 1992. She got the excessive
sentence of 20 years. More info: Free Zoora Shah
- Samar Alami,HMP Cookham Wood (RL1436), Rochester, Kent ME1 3LU
On 11 December 1996, Samar Alami, a Lebanese Palestinian
woman, and Jawad Botmeh, a Palestinian man, were wrongfully
convicted of conspiracy in relation to the bombings of the Israeli
Embassy and Balfour House in London in 1994. Both have been
sentenced to an extraordinary twenty years in prison, after which
they face deportation.
- Heather Avery, Natasha
Dellamaigne have been released.
- Madeline Buckler HR 4338, YOI Bullwood Hall, High Road,
Hockley, Essex, SS5 4TE. Serving 12 months for
burglary of a Roche office at a SHAC demo
- Sarah Gisbourne HR 4337, HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket,
Suffolk, CB8 9YG. Serving 12 months for
burglary of a Roche office at a SHAC demo
- Kate Simpson GN 8957, HMP Morton Hall, Swinderby, Lincoln, LN6
9PT. Serving 12 months for
burglary of a Roche office at a SHAC demo
- Rae Newlands GN 6613, HMP Winchester, Romsey Road, Winchester,
SO22 5DF. Serving 4½ years for
aggravated harassment of HLS shareholders
For more information also see:
Miscarriages of Justice
or, if you want help and information in general about women in
prison, you could also try :
- Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308),
Janine Philips Africa (006309), all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451
Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238 Move
Prisoners: Move, an eco-revolutionary group, were consistently
persecuted by the Philadelphia police during the '70s culminating
in the police firebombing of their commune in 1985. The 'Move 9'
were framed for the murder of a cop and sentenced to the maximum
prison sentence of 100 years each. For more info contact: 'Friends
of Move' PO Box 14129, London, WC12 8GR, UK
- Karen (Hoffman) Horning has been released in January 2002.
- Kebby Warner #259737, Scotts Correctional Facility, 47500 5
Mile Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 animal liberation prisoner,
maybe out in 2006.
- Linda Evans, 19973-053, Unit E, 5701 8th St. Camp Parks,
Dublin, CA 94568 has been released.
- Helen Woodson #03231-045 CCS FMC Carswell PO Box 27137 FT.
Worth, TX 76127 Serveing a 27 year sentance
(now in her 19th year) for robbing a bank in NY with a fake gun and
demanded they give her the money, she set 17,000 dollars on fire
(while still in the bank) and gave a big speach about environmental
destruction and corporate greed. She also sent 1 bullet to 6
differant corporate CEO's with a letter of warning stateing "Your
actions are like a bullet through life!". And she was also
responsible for disarming a Minutman Missile with a
- Marilyn Buck, 00482-285, Unit B, 5701 8th Camp Parks, Dublin,
CA 94568 Marilyn is imprisoned for
her anti-imperialist actions carried out in support of national
liberation, women's liberation, social and economic justice. Since
1988 she is serving a total of 80 years.
- Fran Thompson, 1107 Recharge Rd., York, NE 68467, USA
Fran is an eco-activist and vegan. She killed a man, who
broke into her home in self-defense, but was framed for
- Emma Murphy-Ellis Clackamus County Jail 9000 SE McBrod
Milwaukie, OR. USA , dedicated and
enthusiastic forest defence eco-activist. Emma is currently being
held on two counts of non-violently blocking a federal forest road,
as bulldozers were attempting to begin the process of cutting down
an ecologically delicate area. Emma is sentenced to four months
imprisonment with fourteen months probation, starting middle of may
'02. She is also banned, from entering a forest which is under
threat of logging. Emma's family is asking that people write
letters to Judge John Jelderks (the Judge who jailed Emma) and ask
him to commute her sentence to time served. Judge John Jelderks
Mark O Hatfield US District Federal Court House 740 US Court House
1000 SW Third Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
- Sarah Roberts #7289038 TTCF Module 232 Terminal Annex PO Box
86164 Los Angeles, CA 90086, USA,
Animal/Earth liberation activist, has been sentenced to
six months imprisonment for "Unlawful Assembly" and "Concealing
Identity" (wearing a ski-mask) during the Mayday 2001 celebrations
in Long Beach, California, USA. (end of may
Support groups in USA
- Bayou La Rose, PO BOX 5464, Tacoma, WA 98415-0464
- Dr. Dorothy Blake Fardan, The Outside Coordinator, c/o
Sojourner Truth Farm School, P. O. Box 311, Poolesville, MD
- Women Political Prisoners' Commissary Fund Out of Control and
Lesbian and Gay Insurrection (LAGAI) started the Women Political
Prisoners Commissary Fund in the early 90s. Without this money,
many of the women would be unable to meet their basic needs,
including toiletries, fresh food and phone calls to their families
and friends. These women belong to us--support them!
Please contact Out of Control, 3543 18th Street, Box 30 San
Francisco, CA 94110
- Women's Prison Book Project, C/o Arise Bookstore 2441 Lyndale
Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55405
email Nicola Pine
For more information on other
prisoners see:
- Prisoner Support,
- ABC Network
- Spirit of Freedom is ELP's (Earth
Liberation Prisoners) on-line newsletter. View it at
E-mail earthlibprisoner or write
ELP c/o CRC, 16 Sholebroke Ave, Leeds LS7,England.
ELP Newsletter is ELP's hardcopy publication (also available via
e-mail). If you would like to receive a copy contact ELP
Newsletter, BM Box 2407, London, WC1N 3XX, England.
- Urgent ELP! is an e-mail Bulletin
which distributes the names of any new eco-prisoner as soon as ELP
gets the details. For more info e-mail AnimalEarthLiberation
North American ELP is our North American contact group. They run a
full complement of services including production of a hard-copy
newsletter called Spirit of Freedom. For more info contact NA-ELP,
POB 50082, Eugene, OR 97405, USA. E-mail