A reminder of how stupid and cruel capitalism is
As well as announcing some new publications we underline our opposition to the anti-Water Charges Campaign standing candidates in elections
Laurence Doran a retired worker has thrown down the gauntlet to the council by refusing to defend himself and court and daring them to cut off his water.
The Early Learning Centre strike continues, what can be done to help it win.
How big a problem is hopelessness in Ireland and who is most affected
Twenty years ago a squatting campaign forced the council to house hundreds. Here is how it happened.
In what has become a familiar pattern the media and Gardai have been setting up Travellers for racist attacks again.
After the end of the IRA cease-fire what sort of politics are needed to bring permanent peace
Workers in northern Ireland are paid less then workers in Britain or the rest of Ireland.
... and that's official according to the appeals tribunal
The welfare state is under attack again in Ireland, we look at the figures and reasons behind this
An article by a Lebanese anarchist on the struggle in Lebanon
Daniel Guerins book Anarchism has been published in Arabic but your help is needed with its distribution.
A report on a recent anarchist conference in Mexico
The National Garment Workers Federation which has links with anarcho-syndicalists unions is fighting against a 7 day week.
Report on the 8th Congress of the Bulgarian anarchist federation
A recent discussion in the SAC saw the union reaffirm its libertarian politics
The Spanish revolution of 1936 saw the emergence of an anarchist womens organisation with between 20,000 and 35,000 members.
What exactly is crime anyway, who defines it and how is it enforced.
Anarchists talk a lot about Direct Action, what does it mean
An introduction to the life and ideas of Malatesta
The world bank is the mechanism by which the bosses force whole country to tow, the line. How is this done?
The autobiography of British Anarchist, Albert Meltzer who has died since this review was written.
An introduction to the work of Michael Bakunin