The centre needs a regular dependable income inorder to pay the rent. The best way to achive this for a number of people to commit themselves to a small amount each month. If you do donate you can sleep soundly at night safe in the knowledge that Edinburgh once again has a genuine radical centre to call its own, and we will send you regular updates about the centre's activities.

The easiest way to donate is to fill in a standing order form at your bank ordering them to transfer an amount each month to our account. Ring centre on 0131 557 6242 to find out details for a standing order.

Please send details of your standing order with a postal contact address to:

ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA

Also donations of office equpment , and supplies gratefully recieved e.g. paper, pens, glue, sellotape, envelopes, stamps, fax, photocopiers, scanners, CD-ROM Drives, external Hard Drives, computers, diskettes, paints, material.

Artwork for leaflets and posters is allways required. Books and records for the library.

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