Try FunkWhale
Long, long ago I tried MyNapster and it big brother Gnucleus (open source and ad free) instead which uses the Gnutella network. Back when I used it I found people set up client to serve up false spammy files to be picked up in search requests that contain webpage redirect rather than MPEG/MP3 files they seemed to be at first. Gnucleus comes with a screen out list of know nodes that do this, and both can add IP manually.
Also then the Gnutella network did not it seems have ability to add file info, keywords and description other than in file name, which means searches tend to bring up files that have been created to be picked up in searches, which are not necessary the files you want. I seem to get better search results with Grokster. But Gnutella is more durable a network in long term.
When I moved to using Linux I started to use GTK-gnutella but then used AMule but then dropped using that.
I never used Soulseek myself but the network comes recommended by others. Theree is a Free Open Source Software client call Nicotine+ that I have not used myself, but maybe worth a try.
If you want to share high quality large video which can be freely distributed then check out PeerTube or