
I maintain several websites; and happy to share URLs if asked.

These personal pages just cover a narrow sub-set of my ever evolving interests. They are mostly links to external sites of others.

I now and again check the email sent to sb 'at' j12.org (you may use GPG Encryption if you wish to email me but understand the limitations of PGP and how it can be compromised).

I use various Instant Message applications including Signal, usernames: @temple.13 & @Temple.23 , and Telegram (the @ handle is the initals of my full birth name followed by one thousand in digits), and have an account on Mastodon.Social which you can direct message me on, and I should be happy then to give you my other contact details.

I Blog occasionally, using HUGO on slimline lightweight VM static only hosting from WebArchitects.

Webpages that I started a long time ago and have been sporadically updated since, with last row additions that are works in progress:

Map Links:

"Canary still alive": 21st March 2025.
Not sure if this worth keeping up but idea of above date was if I would update to the date it was when I am updating webpages and so could help in working out if to trust messages or posts from me based on if before or after that "canary was still alive", I would stop updating it if I my phone had been compromised or even myself. And then maybe can't be trusted even if signed by PGP or sent using end to end encyption. If this date not changed in over year ask me to update if I don't, then assume I have been compromised, and don't trust anything I say, unless I give a water tight explaination of why this page can not be updated by me. Note: although I am not the only person with access to update this webpage, no government, their security service or mega corp on their behalf can access the hosting VM at the moment, to best of my knowledge.