Spunk Archive is an independent anarchist publishing project. Our goal is to collect anarchist, alternative and underground materials in electronic format on computers, and make them available free of charge. The archive is currently located on the Internet (a worldwide network of computers that can be accessed by twenty million people), but we also want to reach out into the world of bulletin board systems (BBSes), personal computers and to those without access to computers. We want to help editors and writers to convert or produce their works in an electronic format and use the distribution channels of the global networks: text archives on computers, electronic mail address lists, etc. We are seeking contributions of fanzines, pamphlets, books, articles, interviews, reviews, posters, and other material, both in-print and out-of-print, in any language. You can send material either via electronic mail or on computer diskette. If you use a word processor or desktop publishing package, we can publish your material worldwide. It will cost you nothing.
Spunk Archive is run by an editorial collective with members all over the world. We use electronic mail to coordinate and administer the archive. For more information and a copy of our current catalogue, contact Spunk Archive by electronic mail at spunk@lysator.liu.se, or write to us at one of these addresses:
Spunk Archive
c/o Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh,
17, West Montgomery Place,
Spunk Archive
c /o Practical Anarchy
PO Box 179
College Park, MD 20741-1079
Spunk Archive
p.o. box 392
NSW 2480