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Anarchist Age Weekly Review

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Number 299
11th - 17th May, 1998



What a polished performance, from the heir apparent Peter Costello, or was it? Listening to the figures roll off his tongue, you'd think everything was going the good ship Australia's way, or is it? The single most important figure in Costello's "in the black, right on track" budget is the 2.6 billion dollar surplus. If you spend a few minutes examining the figures behind the 2.6 billion dollars projected surplus, you soon realise that the whole house of cards rests on the assumption that the Australian economy has weathered the worst of the Asian economic crisis.

If you watched Costello's body language you'd soon gather that he was hoping that the Australian economy had weathered the worst of the Asian economic crisis, in his heart of hearts (if he has one - if he hasn't he must have an artificial pump), you know and I know that Costello was doing his very best to stretch the rhetoric-reality gap that is such a constant feature of Australian political life. Tuesday's budget was a Clayton's budget, it marks time, it doesn't do anything except build the tax springboard that forms the cornerstone of the Coalition's electoral strategy.

The illusory 2.6 billion dollar surplus is the Coalition's electoral carrot. Forget Wik, forget the waterfront, forget about the nursing home fiasco, the projected 2.6 billion dollar surplus is Costello's very own tax reform trough. The Coalition government is hoping against hope that the Australian people will accept their bodgie figures and line up to receive tax shavings from the governments electoral carrot. Costello and his cohorts are smart enough to use their illusory 2.6 billion dollar surplus as their trump card. Whether they get away with their cheap illusionist tricks or not depends on how many people realise that Tuesday's budget is nothing more than wham bang thank you ma'am electoral foreplay.


The International Monetary Funds chief apologist (the boss man himself) Michel Camdessus graced us with his presence last week. The I.M.F. the last refuge of every speculator on this planet has the task of overseeing a world financial system, which theoretically promotes a stable environment in which world trade can expand. The I.M.F.'s policies over the past decade have created speculative billionaires in New York and Tokyo and have impoverished hundreds of millions of people across the globe.

The latest I.M.F. conquest is Indonesia. Anybody who has seen the destruction that the I.M.F.'s Structural Adjustment Program has imposed on Indonesia will realise that the I.M.F. is only interested in maintaining the speculative bubble that has enriched a few paper billionaires. The free flow of money (investment) that Michel Camdessus is so keen to protect is the very reason that the Asian economy became over inflated. The same capital that poured into Asia and artificially elevated the regions stockmarkets and real estate values was the same money that rushed out of these countries when the greed is good philosophy that fuels these booms turned to fear.

The I.M.F. is an acronym, it will disappear in the next bust. Those people who believed that the boom bust cycle had been tamed were shocked when the Asian economies melted down. The same people who believe that the New York Stock Exchange and the Australian Stock Exchange are immune from such collapses, will have the smiles wiped off their faces when the New York Stock Exchange begins the inevitable plunge that occurs when greed is overtaken by fear. If it doesn't happen this Friday the 15th of May, it won't be long in coming if the likes of Michel Camdessus continue to ply their disgusting trade.


Pity poor Terry Lewis, Joe Bjelke Peterson's hand picked Chief Police Commissioner who was jailed in 1991 for 14 years for collecting more than six hundred thousand dollars in bribes (good work if you can get it), while he was Queensland's No.1 Police Officer. Well looks like poor Terry's been punished enough, the poor man has been set free after spending less than 7 years behind bars.

Not that you could call Terry Lewis's time behind bars, punishment. The poor man was sent to a low security prison and has been living in a half-way house in Brisbane for the last two years. Maybe the poor old corrupt bastard has suffered enough. Looks like if there's any justice in this world (the older I get the less I believe there is), I'll have to out live Terry Lewis so I can join the thousands of other Queenslanders who want to piss on his grave once he's met his maker.


Johnny (God damit I'm Prime Minister) Howard was scraping the bottom of the barrel when he let all and sundry know that he was going to establish a Youth Ambassadors for Development Program. When you consider that Australian Volunteers Abroad have provided an excellent service over the past two decades, you wonder why Howard wants to establish a Y.A.D.P. Maybe he needs to do something with the money the Federal government saved when they cut the Australian Volunteers Abroad budget last year. Maybe just maybe young A.S.I.O. agents are having a tough time establishing covers in the Pacific and Y.A.D.P. could provide that cover that young A.S.I.O. agents need. If the C.I.A. was able to stock the ranks of the United States Peace Corp with spies, I'm sure A.S.I.O. would have no trouble stocking the ranks of the Young Ambassadors for Development Program with their agents.


You had to see it to believe it, Peter Costello in open neck shirt, denim pants and brown loafers trudging through the autumn leaves, budget documents in hand. Over the past week, Costello's ambition to be Prime Minister has forced him to reposition himself at Peter Reith's expense. Irrespective of whether Reith delivers waterfront reform or not, he's dead in the water. His Prime Ministerial ambitions have been dealt a severe setback by his failure to strike a decisive blow on the wharves.

Costello has seized the moment to re-define himself as a semi-wet caring sharing Liberal. The man who made his reputation in the Liberal Party on a very dry ticket has decided to re-market himself as cosy Peter Costello, a centre politician who is all things to all people. He is so confident of his ability to do to Howard what Keating did to Hawke, that he is openly defying and criticising the Prime Minister. Costello, the ultimate dry is positioning himself as the man of reason. No crash through politics for him, waterfront reform, "May be we should look at the Stevedoring companies," preferences to Pauline Hanson before preferences to the Labor Party "he wouldn't do it." Wik "where there's a will there's a way." Gambling "it's time for an inquiry."

Cosy Costello is trying to re-make himself by distancing himself from the very people that have given him his power base. He's seen the writing on the wall for the competition at any cost mob and has thrown in his lot with the small Liberal elements that he and Howard have so successfully marginalised in the Liberal Party. Costello is not a creature of ideology, his only ideology is personal ambition. The current campaign to reposition him in the lexicon of political thought has everything to do with personal ambition and nothing to do with ideas and policies.


Contrary to all expectations, student protests in Indonesia have increased in the face of severe government clampdown. The conditions attached to the Indonesian International Monetary Fund bailout have signalled the beginning of the end for Suharto, the father of half a million dead. As Suharto takes his place in a developing nation's conference in Egypt, students are spearheading the resistance against Suharto the Butcher and the International Monetary Fund.

Suharto the Butcher, the regions if not the worlds foremost exponent of crony capitalism (what belongs to the state is mine) is facing the first serious challenge to his rule in over thirty years. The rest of the country waits in the wings while Indonesian students take on the military machine. To date the reaction to Suharto's rule has been confined to student circles, in the last twenty four hours prominent Muslim opposition leaders have publicly articulated their opposition to Suharto and have demanded his resignation.

Although most Indonesians are not involved in overt resistance to the Suharto military machine, it's possible, just possible that the military will be unable or more likely unwilling to stop students challenging the legitimacy of the Indonesian military dictatorship. Suharto has become an embarrassment not only to his people, but the International Monetary Fund and world leaders including Bill Clinton.

The stage is set for the overthrow of the Suharto regime and the possible disintegration of the Indonesian state, an artificial colonial entity. Whether the I.M.F. and regional governments, including Australia and the United States are able to replace the Suharto regime with a government that's friendly to their objectives and the I.M.F.'s objectives is difficult to say. Whether the student revolt is embraced by the Indoenesian people and establish as a government that caters to their needs, not the needs of the corporate world, will depend on how far the revolt will spread. Either way Suharto the Butcher's days are numbered.


The Philippines has undergone two major transformations since the heady days of the so-called people power revolution that overthrew the Marcos dictatorship. Time and time again the overthrow of the Marcos regime, over a decade ago, has been hailed as a victory for people power. Unfortunately the so-called peoples' power revolution was betrayed before the streets were emptied of demonstrators. The parliamentary and presidential elections that followed the overthrow of the Marcos regime have not delivered any major political or economic gains to the great majority of the people.

The so-called gains that were made by Cory Aquino and Fidel Ramos have been illusory gains. The parliamentary process has failed most Philippinos. In steps Joseph Estrada, a hard drinking, hard living celluloid hero, who came to public prominence as a celluloid Robin Hood figure stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Estrada should win the Presidential election, not because of what he is, or what he has promised but because Philippinos want to believe in the celluloid myth.

Unfortunately for those Philippinos who want to believe, Joseph Estrada is a hostage of the Marcos legacy. Mrs Marcos has thrown her weight behind his candidature and Marcos's cronies are bankrolling his presidential campaign. The disillusionment that will follow Estrada's inability to deliver on his promises maybe just the impetus that Philipino people need to finish the peoples' power movement they began a decade ago.


Q. Are the terms workers control and workers self-management interchangeable?

A. Many activists bandy around the terms workers' control and workers self-management as if they are interchangeable. Workers' control is not workers' self-management or vice versa. Workers' control refers to the idea that workers' have control over the productive process, they make decisions about how their workplace is organised. It does not mean that they make decisions about what they produce, how they produce it and what happens in society as a whole.

The term workers' control can be used and is used by both state capitalists (communists) and corporate capitalists to describe two different processes. Workers' control in a society where the means of production, distribution and exchange are controlled by the state, describes the process by which workers implement decisions at a workplace level that are made by a central authority. Workers' control in a corporate capitalist society refers to the idea of letting workers exert control over production so that they feel part and parcel of the productive process. By exercising local autonomy they are able to increase both production and their own job satisfaction.

Workers' self-management refers to the idea that the people who do the work, decide how they should work and share the profits. Workers' self-management occurs when the community, not the state or the corporate sector, owns the means of production, distribution and exchange. In such circumstances the people involved in the productive process, not only decide what they produce and how it's produced, but make decisions about the nature of society as a whole. Workers' self-management describes the productive relationships that occur in a society where both the state and the corporate sector have disappeared and have been replaced by a society where those people who are affected by a particular decision make that decision.


Ever wondered how much of your life you spend watching other peoples' interpretation of what's happening in the world on television, listening to other peoples' ideas on radio, reading their ideas on paper and the time you spend surfing the net looking at other peoples' views. The so-called technological marvels of the 20th century have done more to imprison peoples' minds than all the demagogues of the past millennium.

We spend 144 hours per week, learning about the world and exert no impact on the reality around us, or we can ignore the world around us and die like carp, trying to change a world that we don't understand. We need to understand that we live an age of information overload. Facts and fantasies impinge on our consciousness at a rate of knots. As individuals and groups, we need to be able to cut a path through the propaganda that masquerades as news and spend more time making history than reading about it.

Don't spend all your time seeing, listening and reading everything, choose one or two television programs, listen to a little bit of radio and try to read something everyday. Although we need some knowledge about the world around us, we also need time to talk to other people, to organise and to act. Information junkies don't have time to think, let alone time to act.

When you choose a particular program, remember don't choose the same type of program for every media outlet you use. You need to be able to see, hear and read opinions that you disagree with as well as agree, so that you can develop an understanding of what's happening in the world. Information is only useful if it opens a window into our world and ourselves. As we approach the 21st century, the consumption of information has become an end in itself, not a means to an end. As we go about our lives, it's important we consciously set aside time to communicate, organise and act. If we don't, we run the very real risk of being made impotent by an avalanche of information.


Very few women were openly active in the early Australian Anarchist Movement, some wrote under pseudonyms. Alice Win appears as the author of an article in The Australian Radical in April 1889 titled "Ingersoll on Marriage and Divorce". Little if anything is known about Alice Win. It's possible Alice Win was a pseudonym for Miss Drake (but that's another story).

In this article on Marriage and Divorce, she has penned a reply to Colonel Ingersoll, a conservative colonial authority, who had just had his ideas on marriage and divorce published. In this article she states:-

"Marriages are made by men and women, they are not made by the state and by the gods".

"If men and women enter into marriage on their own responsibility, they should be free to do so in whatever way suits them best and to dissolve it at pleasure".

"Men and women come together to satisfy their needs, either physical or mental, very often both. Their need of sympathy, of companionship, of sexual gratification, cause them to enter into marriage relations and so long as they can satisfy each others needs they will remain together".

"In order to use her youth and beauty as capital she must sell herself - become the slave of some man or men. Is this what Colonel Ingersoll means? She may be forced into marriage in order to save and preserve her life, just as in other cases, she is forced into the prostitution of the streets; but not because she has no other capital than her "youth and beauty", not because such qualities as energy, perseverance and skill are wanting in the character of woman, not because she is incapable of earning her own living, no; the cause is the same as that which forces men to become dependent on women for support; and again, in turn, for both to become dependent on the labor of children; and its name is monopoly. And the cure for this lies far deeper than any tinkering with the marriage laws."

"The man and woman who came together voluntarily, should separate by mutual consent. But you ask, "what about the children?". Well there are very few people so destitute for the little ones dependent on them, that they would not contrive some plan for their maintenance until such time as they were able to provide for themselves".

"Let us have freedom - freedom for both man and woman - freedom to earn our bread in whatever vocation is best suited to us, and freedom to love where we like, and to live only with those who we love, and by whom we are loved in return.

Material for this article was obtained from A READER OF AUSTRALIAN ANARCHISM 1886 - 1896 Edited and with an introduction by Bob James, Canberra Australia 1979.


THE BONNOT GANG by Richard Parry, Rebel Press 1987 ISBN 0946061 041

Richard Parry has delved into one of the darkest periods of French anarchist history and has tried to make sense of events many want to forget and a few want to glorify. Paris in 1911 was a city of riots, strikes and savage repression. In this melting pot arose the Bonnot gang. A temporary coalition of individualist anarchists who were drawn together by the anarchist individualist weekly L'Anarchie and criminals who donned the cloak of anarchism in their search for a convenient philosophical excuse for their actions.

Parry has done us a service in bringing the various threads that make up the Bonnot gang into one book. The Bonnot gang was like a comet, it shone for a few moments and then disappeared out of sight, leaving no definable mark on society. In this 190 page book, Parry examines the background of the various members of the group, their times, outlines their crimes, follows them into the courts and watches them face death at the hands of the police and the guillotine.

The Bonnot gang never struck a cord with the people of Paris. They were seen as outlaws and died as outlaws, shunned by most anarchists, as well as the French working class. Examining their exploits, it seems they were more intent on looking after their own needs than the needs of the wider anarchist community. These were not "romantic bandits" who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. They robbed and killed to satisfy their own needs. Victor Kibalchich (better known to readers as Victor Serge the pro-Bolshevik anti-stalinist revolutionary), the editor of L'Anarchie attempted to promote a theoretical framework in the pages of L'Anarchie which supported the Bonnot gangs rampage.

At the end of the day the gang was dispersed and destroyed by the state, despised by most of the French Anarchist Movement and disappeared without leaving a positive mark on society. The Bonnot gang should be compulsory reading for anybody who believes that "illegality" and individual armed struggle has anything to contribute to the struggle to create an egalitarian community.

Review copy of the Bonnot gang kindly provided by Barricade Books. Drop in or write to Barricade Books at 115 Sydney Road Brunswick 3056 Melbourne Australia and ask them for their 1998 Book Catalogue.


Twisted neck, small stick like legs, drawn face, bundled up in clothes and blankets even on the hottest day. Lying semi-supine in a wheelchair, waiting with her grey haired mother. Every morning for the last three years Monday to Friday, 8.26 am (except public holidays), I've seen her waiting for the bus with her broad hipped elderly mother. She could be forty maybe fifty, her hair grey, she has prominent protruding teeth. Her mother would be hard pressed to be five feet, she has a pleasant non descript round face, broad hips, grey hair.

Mother and daughter every morning Monday to Friday, 8.26am waiting on the footpath for the bus, no not your ordinary bus, but a special bus that's designed to take people in wheelchairs. The bus is usually there at 8.30 possibly 8.35, the ritual begins, the wide hipped older woman, waves her goodbye. I don't know where she goes, how long she goes for, but I do know that her elderly mother clothes her, baths her, feeds her, every day, three hundred and sixty five days a year, three hundred and sixty six days in a leap year. For the last forty possibly fifty years, she has cared for a child that will never pass any of its milestones.

She'll never see her child's first step, her walk to school, play in the school sports, go to high school, bring home her friends, find a job, create her own life and possibly return with her own children. None of these joys for her, possibly she experiences other joys that are hidden to us, maybe she doesn't.

Every day the same ritual, infirmity or death the only release. Three years every morning, punctual as clockwork, 8.26 am Monday to Friday, waiting for the freedom bus that gives each woman the freedom to live without the other. A few precious hours free of each others presence.

It's 8.29 no broad hipped woman, no wheelchair, it's Thursday they should be there. The blinds are drawn, no sign of life no bus at 8.32. Friday morning 8.29, no one waiting for the freedom bus, the gates are shut the blinds are drawn. Has she died, have they gone away, is she sick in hospital. Only a catastrophe could stop her from catching the 8.30 freedom bus to the day care centre where she sits with other people from other freedom buses, waiting to go home. I'll have to wait for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to see if they return to the footpath. Maybe they will, may be they won't, either way, does it really matter is she catches the 8.30 freedom bus. Maybe she's dead, maybe she's in an institution, maybe her mother died, maybe they won tatslotto and have gone on a holiday (I doubt it). I don't know what's happened, but I do know that whatever has happened has destroyed a relationship that was the central feature of both their lives.


John Howard, Australia's relaxed and comfortable Prime Minister and Peter Reith, the Federal Minister for workplace warfare have miscalculated badly in their attempts to introduce non-union labour on the wharves. In one of the most amateurish political displays since Federation, they have managed to set the cat among the contract pigeons.

Alarm bells began ringing even among diehard coalition supporters when Australians began to understand the ramifications of Patrick's legal pirouettes. One hundred thousand workers marched in Melbourne last week because they understood that employers, both in the private and public sector, could legally establish insolvent companies that could be sent down to the bottom of the harbour anytime the parent company found it convenient to do so.

Contract workers and workers who have signed Enterprise Bargaining Agreements realised that their contracts are not worth the paper they are written on. Today almost every worker both in the unionised and non-unionised workforce doesn't share the Prime Minister's comfortable and relaxed position. Everyone now understands that any employer, can at any time, legally structure their business so that they can circumvent laws that have been passed by parliament to safeguard peoples' job security and in the bargain not pay workers back pay and entitlements when they are sacked.

If John Howard had even the slightest intention of keeping his election promise of using his extraordinary parliamentary majority to create a relaxed and comfortable society, he would make it his governments priority to introduce urgent legislation into parliament to prevent the Patrick's fiasco from occurring again. Examining John Howard's past parliamentary record, the chances his government will pass legislation to improve workers security is tantamount to asking Dracula to give back the blood he's stolen from his victims.

JOSEPH TOSCANO (Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society).


HARINGLEY SOLIDARITY GROUP, News and Views April'98, PO Box 2474, London N8, Great Britain.

LE MONDE LIBERTAIRE No.121- 30th April - 6th May 1998, 145 Rue Amelot, 75011 Paris, France. Tel 0148053408, Fax 0149299859.

NOTIZIARIO CDP No.28 July-Aug'97, C.P. 347 - 51100 Pistoia, Italy. Tel & Fax 0573/977353.

SICILIA LIBERTARI No.164 April'98, Via Galileo Galilei 45-97100 Ragusa Italy.

TIERRA Y LIBERTAD No.125 April'98, Antonio Oliva, Apdo 74, La Puebla del Rio, SE/41130, Spain Tel & Fax 95)5772135 Email

UMANITA NOVA 78th Year 16th & 28th Jan'98, Tiziano Antonelli, Via della Leccia-8, 57100 Livorno Italy.

GRAND PARTY TO CELEBRATE 300 ISSUES OF THE ANARCHIST AGE WEEKLY REVIEW Thursday 28th May, 8.00pm, Ross House 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne . All Welcome. Bring Food, Drinks and Most Importantly of all Yourself and Your Friends. Anarres Anarchist Bookshop will have a bookstall on the evening.


Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society Position and Activities 1998. Send $4.00 of stamps to L.W.S.S. PO Box 20 Parkville 3052 Melbourne Australia and we will post out both booklets to you.


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That Means You Can Listen To It - Anywhere In The World. News from Nowhere can be herd 9.00 - 10.00 am every Monday, Perth Time 11.00 am - Noon, Eastern Standard Time Every Monday. If you are on the internet and want to listen to an Anarchist Radio Programme that features political commentary, comedy and satire, it can be found at Tune in and give them some feedback.

ANARRES BOOKS - 1998 BOOK CATALOGUE, Write to them for a copy A.B. PO Box 150 East Brunswick 3057, Melbourne Aust.



Has been awarded to the dynamic duo, the relaxed and comfortable Australian Prime Minister, John Howard and the Federal Minister for workplace warfare, Peter Reith, for services to waterfront reform.

If You Like What You Have Read, Photocopy This Publication and Leave It In Doctors, Dentists, Vets Waiting Rooms and In Railway Stations, Bus Stops, Libraries and Restaurants Etc.

The articles in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review express the opinion of individuals within the Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society/Anarchist Media Institute. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society/Anarchist Media Institute.


Anarchist Age Weekly Review - 4 pages of Anarchist commentary on Local, National and International events.
$50.00 for 50 issues $10.00 for 10 issues

Anarchist Age Monthly Review - Issue 80 out July 1998
$48.00 wage earners - 12 issues $30.00 non wage earners - 12 issues

Make out cheques or money orders to: Libertarian Workers, PO Box 20, Parkville, 3052 Victoria Australia.

All material in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review can be used by anarchists, anarchist collectives and non-profit organisations as long as the source of the material is mentioned in the article. The Anarchist Age Weekly Review reserves all rights as far as commercial publications are concerned.




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