Anarchist Age Weekly Review 17th-23rd Aug. '98 Number 313 17th - 23rd August, 1998 IN A TIME OF UNIVERSAL DECEIT - TELLING THE TRUTH IS A REVOLUTIONARY ACT - GEORGE ORWELL EQUITY As an anarchist I examine two things when I review any proposal, does what's proposed decentralise power and does it ensure that wealth is more evenly distributed among people. The Liberal/National parties grand tax plan can be reviewed in terms of equity. Examining their "visionary tax plan" from head to tail, it's more than obvious to everybody, except possibly John Howard, that the grand tax plan fails the equity test. In a nut shell their proposal is very simple. The government plans to slash personal and company taxation levels by introducing a Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.). The tax cuts would be funded from three sources, the G.S.T., a 5-6 billion dollar surplus and a three to four billion dollar windfall from the so-called black economy. Examining the package with a microscope, it soon becomes clear, very clear, that people who earn less than 40,000 dollars per year will be bearing the brunt of John Howard's so called radical tax revolution. When you realise that 40% of Australians rely on government social security benefits, you understand the enormity of the problem. People on social security benefits and those who earn less than $40,000 dollars per year spend the bulk of their income on basic necessities - food and shelter. In both situations the cost of a 10% G.S.T. will offset any so-called government compensation package. To rub salt into the wound, the surplus that will be used to finance the tax cuts, will be diverted away from essential Commonwealth government projects and infrastructure programs. Health, education and welfare will be the main losers. This means low income earners will lose on two fronts, they will lose because of the 10% G.S.T. and they will also lose out, because any Commonwealth surplus will not be used to finance and extend commonwealth programs and projects. Howard's tax plan is just another parliamentary mirage. It doesn't matter how much tax payer's money they will use to flog it, most people know when they see and smell a dud. NEW ZEALAND FIRST PROMISED SO MUCH DELIVERED SO LITTLE!! Anybody who has followed the tawdry little affair between the ruling National Party and their Coalition partners New Zealand First, could be excused for having a good belly laugh about the current pathetic situation. The last New Zealand election threw up, a new beast on the political stage, Winston Peters, New Zealand First, a party which promised much, but has delivered little. Many people were surprised that New Zealand First formed a Coalition with the ruling National Party. Winston Peters became Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer in a Coalition government that was interested in retaining power, irrespective of the social and human costs. It was obvious from the very first day that their Coalition was a marriage of convenience, not a match made in heaven. Shipley's Nationals are very keen to dismember New Zealand First by sinking the parties founder Winston Peters. They are encouraging disaffected New Zealand First parliamentarians to resign from the party and join the Nationals. Currently it looks like Shipley could succeed in her efforts to bury New Zealand First (an opportunistic party that is more a vehicle for Winston Peters than a third force in New Zealand politics). The ultimate losers in this tawdry little affair are the voters who believed New Zealand First was the party that protected their interests. New Zealand First is just another political party, nothing more, nothing less. All those electors somehow believed the parliamentary system could be reformed by supporting a third force in N.Z. parliamentary politics, have now come to the conclusion that parliamentary politics is essentially a dead end pathway. The current New Zealand crisis is a logical by-product of a system of government that is based on representation, not direct democracy. THE ADVENTURES OF BILLY'S WILLIE Every wondered why so much time and effort has been devoted to Billy's Willie. Well it's obvious isn't it. He's El Presidente of the United States of America. The acres of forest that have been sacrificed to bring us the story about Bill and Monica's little affair have to be seen to be believed. Anybody with an ounce of sense should be asking themselves why such a fuss has been made about a middle aged man's tryst with a woman half his age. Well the answer is obvious isn't it, this man is no ordinary man, he is the leader of the western world, El Presidente of the U.S.A. Bill Clinton's little sexual romp in the Oval office is seen as important because of the power that is concentrated in the Presidential office. His temporary fall from grace highlights the stupidity of concentrating so much power in the hands of one man. The fuss made about Billy's Willie is an indictment on a system of government that concentrates so much power in the hands of one person. The Monica and Bill saga highlights the fallacy of creating a society where power is given to one individual. If there's one lesson that can be learnt from this whole sorry business, it's that the centralisation of power puts the interests of a community at risk. Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Hitler and a host of other unscrupulous leaders, have been able to destroy whole societies because they have seized or have been given state power. The current Presidential fiasco highlights the urgent need for radical egalitarian change. As long as power is concentrated in the hands of a few people, the rest of us are at the mercy of their personal failings. This is the very reason anarchists want to create a society where no one person is able to acquire or seize power. Only in such a situation will we be spared the atrocities that centralised power have created. As individuals and communities, we should resist all efforts to concentrate power in the hands of specific individuals and institutions. KEMP'S TRIFECTA If there's one lesson we can all learn from the Coalition's application of their user pay market friendly policies, it's that they don't work. Kemp's glorious plans to privatise the employment market have fallen in a heap. Employers, the unemployed and the job agencies all agree the system is a tragic failure. Watching Kemp trying to wiggle his way out of the political quicksand the Coalition policies have created is a joy to behold. The new privatised job agencies hate the system, because they don't seem to be paid for their efforts. Each little employment fiefdom holds its job vacancies close to its bosom, not sharing their information with anyone else. The unemployed find the system a joke because they seem to be spending all their time going to interviews with multiple job agencies, trying to get interviews for real jobs. Employers hate using the system because they are being forced to pay for a service they reached "gratis" in the past. Unemployed people who are not destitute or who live with working partners are also upset because they have to pay to use a service that they could freely access in the past. Everyone, except Kemp and his little mate Johnnie Howard, seem to be unhappy about the new system. Just three months after this hair-brained scheme was implemented, it's dead in the water. No matter how many times Kemp tries to breath life back into this lifeless corpse, it can not be resuscitated. Instead of wasting money and resources trying to resurrect a corpse, it's time the government changed tack and introduced a job finding scheme that was based on co-operative, not competitive features. If anybody lobbed onto earth from another planet they would wonder how such an obviously deficient scheme could be unleashed on some of the most disadvantaged people in our community, the unemployed. If they decided to stay for a few weeks, they would soon realise that most, if not all of the coalition's privatisation schemes are based on faulty ideology and faulty figures. So much for the privatisation mirage. GOOD MONEY AFTER BAD You know things aren't quite right when the International Monetary Fund's and the Nations States pour in taxpayer's money to keep global capitalism afloat. This week has been marked by two extraordinary events, last Friday the Chinese government poured 600 million dollars directly into the Hong Kong stockmarket in a last ditch attempt to maintain prices. On Monday the Russian government devalued the rouble by 33 1/3% in an effort to meet its loan repayments to Germany and Japan. The devaluation of the Russian rouble has come less than 6 months after the International Monetary Fund flushed 22.6 billion dollars into the Russian economy. Irrespective of which way we examine the situation, things aren't looking good for capitalism. After an extraordinary seven year bull run on the world's stock markets, (largely financed by workers superannuation contributions) the party has come to a screeching halt. Anybody who has even a rudimentary understanding of history and economics knows that both state and private capitalism are bankrupt ideological and economic systems. Capitalism can be compared to a bodgie pyramid selling scam. Those at the top rake in the cash at the expense of the rest of the community. Anybody who has witnessed the devastating effects of global capitalism knows that the writing is on the wall for capitalism. What's happened in Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Russia is just a foretaste of what is going to happen in Japan and eventually the United States and Europe. The world is in recession mode, the United States stock market has lost over 10% of its bloated value over the past six weeks. Every economic indicator points to a global economic collapse. Eighty million people in Indonesia can't even afford one decent meal a day. Most Russians outside Moscow have not been paid for over a year. The devaluation of the rouble will lead to a situation where Russians expenses will increase by over a third in the next few days. Everywhere we look we are confronted with the utter bankruptcy of capitalism. Limited resources are being sacrificed on the altar of profit. People have become mere economic commodities buffeted by the winds of globalisation. State capitalism has been dead and buried, private capitalism is on its way out, in the near future people across the globe will be faced with two choices, barbarism or the creation of a society based on the satisfaction of human needs, not the creation of profits for profits sake. ANARCHIST QUESTION AND ANSWER Q. What attitude do anarchists have to the Military? A. Anarchists view the Military apparatus as the cement that keeps the state apparatus in tact. It's no accident that anarchists are anti-militarist and struggle against conscription. Even today anarchists languish in Greek, Israeli and Swiss jails because they refuse to participate in the armed forces. Anarchists not only object to conscripted armed forces they also object to so called professional armed forces. Although anarchists view military activity as essentially useless activity, they don't view participants in the armed forces, both conscripted and voluntary as natural enemies. History has taught anarchist activists that if you want to be part of a successful revolutionary movement, you need to direct your attention to individuals within the armed forces. Whether the military turn their guns on protesters and people involved in direct action, will, to a large degree, be determined by the influence the protest movement has been able to carry among armed forces personnel. Armed forces personnel are told that their job is concerned with protecting the integrity of the Nation State from foreign attack. Much of their activity revolves around the idea that they are there to protect the people from foreign aggression. It can be difficult for the military, especially non-commissioned ranks to turn their guns on the very people they have been told they are protecting from foreign aggression. Whether successful extra-parliamentary or for that matter successful parliamentary egalitarian change occurs, is ultimately determined by the armed forces attitude to the situation. Any anarchist activist who views the military as natural enemies, runs the very real risk of undermining successful egalitarian change. Anarchists should try to direct their attention of the armed forces, especially non-commissioned ranks. If enough doubt is sown in the minds of non-commissioned ranks, the chances are that some of them will defy their superiors orders and will not turn their guns on those people who are agitating for egalitarian social change. ACTION BOX - "AFTER THE REVOLUTION" How many times have you heard activists use the phase "after the revolution." All too often anarchists seem to be more concerned about how society would function after the revolution, than examining what's happening in the here and now. Unless you believe in life after death, everyday life is all we have. Life isn't a dress rehearsal it's the real thing. Waiting for some mythical revolution to occur is akin to waiting for the second coming. Revolutionary change just doesn't materialise out of thin air, it occurs because people who are sick and tired of their current circumstances have organised and are involved in day to day struggles against dominant ideology and culture. Whether revolutionary egalitarian change occurs depends on the type of struggles and organisations we are involved in. People who set their sights on life after the revolution are part of the problem not the solution to the problem. Everyday events are important!! How we approach everyday life is far more important than grand dreams about life after the revolution. Whether we are involved in a general strike, an occupation or are trying to have a pedestrian crossing installed where we live, doesn't matter. What matters is that we apply the same principles to each circumstance. Each mode of action is legitimate, each activity in it's own way helps to create a climate that nurtures and encourages change. We should examine each situation we are involved in, in terms of power and equity. As anarchist activists we should encourage people involved in various activities and disputes to create non-hierarchical organisations and use direct democratic decision making processes. Whether you're involved in a local issue or a general strike, the method of organisation is the same. When we approach a particular government or corporate policy we should think about it in terms of equity. Is what has been proposed going to assist the majority of people or does it only benefit a small minority? In the final analysis, equity determines our attitude to the proposal. It's important to remember no issue is too small. Every situation can be approached using basic anarchist principles. If we want radical egalitarian change we don't have the luxury of picking and choosing what we believe are important issues. Each and everyone of us has a contribution to make, each contribution in it's own way helps to create that climate that is needed if we are to have any hope of creating an egalitarian society. AUSTRALIAN ANARCHIST HISTORY - DEPORTATION - A POLITICAL WEAPON Deportation has always been one of the states most effective weapons. When the commonwealth government passed the Unlawful Associations Act in 1917 in an attempt to destroy the I.W.W. They created a two-pronged pitchfork to dismember the I.W.W. Anybody who was a member of the I.W.W., who collected funds for the I.W.W. or distributed I.W.W. literature was guilty of a criminal offence and was automatically sentenced to six months imprisonment. Over eighty I.W.W. members and supporters were sentenced to the mandatory six months sentence in 1917. The I.W.W. was a popular labour organisation among immigrant workers, unlike the AWU and most of the other Australian Unions of that time it did not recognise the colour bar and actively recruited among all races and among immigrant workers. It was the only Australian labour organisation during that period that did not support the white Australian Policy. In an attempt to Ôcleanse' Australia of Ôforeign ideas', the commonwealth government embarked on a policy of active deportation of I.W.W. militants Many were arrested on trumped up charges and deported before their cases came to trial. Others were automatically deported after serving sentences for political activity. All non-Australian born I.W.W. prisoners who were sentenced under the Unlawful Associations Act for supporting the I.W.W. were deported after serving their mandatory six month prison sentence. Some had lived in Australia for decades, were married to Australians and had Australian children. After their sentences expired they were put on boats and sent to countries that did not have any immigration restrictions. Many ended up at Volparaiso Chile. Tom Barker an influential I.W.W. activist who was jailed for writing and printing arguably the most famous poster of World War 1. TO ARMS! Capitalists, Parsons, Politicians, Landlords, Newspaper Editors and other stay-at-home Patriots YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU IN THE TRENCHES! WORKERS, FOLLOW YOUR MASTERS!! was placed on a ship in late 1918 with seven other I.W.W. deportees. The ship disembarked it's human cargo in Chile as the deportees were not welcome back in their countries of origin. BOOK REVIEW - CULTURAL BATTLES - The Meaning of the Vietnam - USA War Essays by Peter McGregor A Scam Publication 1998 ISBN 0-9585549-0-0 To be brutally honest I didn't want to review Cultural Battles by Peter McGregor. I'm sick of revisiting the Vietnam War and didn't think I could stomach another book of essays on the significance of the Vietnam-USA war. Peter has had a life long passion for the war, in 1991 he went to Vietnam with his partner Johanna Trainor to learn first hand the consequences of this grubby little episode in human history. The photographs which accompany the text were taken by Johanna Trainor and the strikingly simple but evocative cover was designed by Johanna. Cultural battles is essentially one man's attempt to come to grips with his past by examining the present. The book is divided into 15 chapters, each chapter is a self-contained essay. In my opinion Chapter 1, Victory Celebration? written in 1976 says more about the Vietnam conflict than any of the other chapters. Chapter 3, Kennedy Miller's Vietnam - the reconstruction of history, written in 1989 by Peter McGregor has unleashed a flurry of legal manoeuvres by Mr Miller as he is unhappy about how Peter McGregor has dissected his opinions. The other twelve essays were written by Peter McGregor since his 1991 trip to Vietnam. Reading and re-reading the later essays, I don't share Peter's passion about the cultural battles surrounding the Vietnam-USA war. Although I don't understand his passion for the subject, and although my own enthusiasm for this period has not been rekindled by his intelligently and passionately written essays, I respect Peter McGregor's attempts to stop us forgetting the past. I also congratulate Peter McGregor on having the tenacity and willpower to ensure this book was published. He has given us an anarchists insight into the Vietnam-USA war. Through his words, he has reminded us once again to what extent the state will go, to maintain its power. Cultural Battles, is a useful addition, possibly the only anarchist addition to the plethora of material that is being published about the Vietnam-USA war. A war whose legacy has touched not only those who were directly involved in the war, but those of us whose eyes were opened to the brutality and lies that our respective governments used in their quest for power. My thanks to Peter McGregor for providing me with a review copy of Cultural Battles. The book is available directly from Peter McGregor. Visions of Freedom, P.O. Box 13, Enmore. N.S.W. 2042. Sydney Australia. It's also available from the publishers, Scam Publications, P.O. Box 756, Brunswick, 3056, Melbourne. Australia., and also from Barricade Books, Anarres Books and Redfern Black Rose. Cultural Battles is an Anti-Copyright book, - Peter McGregor and Scam publications suggest "that if you find any use for or value in the contents of this work, that you reproduce it freely." PERSONAL OBSERVATION Life consists of a series of rituals that are important to no one except ourselves. Every Thursday lunchtime I experience one of these little rituals that make life bearable, even pleasurable. Between midday and 1.00 pm, just after I bulk post the weekly, I wander down to a little delicatessen. Nothing fancy, your average ma and pa deli that employs two extra people to handle the lunchtime trade. I normally attach myself to a line of three of four people waiting their turn in front of the sandwich bar. Usually one of the owners, a fifty something, corpulent woman with pig like eyes takes my order. For months I've given my order in Italian, speaking my mother tongue, breaks the monotony of a day communicating in English. I pick a bun, normally pannidura and have her fill it with a variety of scrumptious titbits - salami piquanti, sundried tomatoes, green olives bathed in olive oil and peppers, glorious Italian cheese and a few other bits and pieces. A sandwich made in heaven. A sandwich worth dying for. We chatter about this and that, the whole experience lasts about two, possibly three minutes. She's happy, I'm happy or so I thought. Over the last two weeks the atmosphere has changed, things are different. I patiently wait my turn, front the counter and start nattering in Italian, she looks around and answers in English. She keeps her head down, as I order in Italian, she answers in English. She sends me on my way, the contents falling out of my hastily made bun. This has now happened twice, the second time I finished my order, speaking English, she smiled as she gave me my bun. Maybe the intolerance that was such a feature of Australian society has come back to haunt us. I remember the days when people would pull you up in the streets and in shops and tell you to speak English. Could it be happening again? Has the One Notion message percolated into the outer suburbs of Melbourne? Had somebody complained about our little exchange? Who knows? Thinking about the whole experience the racist stickers that were plastered on the post box of the post office a few doors from the deli, took on a more sinister meaning. STOP PRESS! - MARKED MAN!! Can you smell the rotting political flesh of Jeffrey Glibb Kennett? I can. Looks like poor Jeffrey can't take a trick. If he's not mouthing off at former ABC journalists about intimate questions they asked him six years ago, he's singing the praises of his erstwhile friends in the Liberal/National party. You have to feel sorry for the old bloke. First his wife leaves him, then his backbench starts mumbling about his authoritarian style, then Kroger takes a blunt instrument to him and finally his good mate at Crown, Ron Walker, is feeling the cold winds of reality. Everything the emperor touches seems to disintegrate. City Link, public transport, education, public hospitals, local government, the new and improved electricity distribution network, gas and fuel, the toxic dumps at Werribee and Niddrie and the ever shrinking regional centres and unemployment are just a few of his long list of failures. Jeffrey Glib Kennett has become a liability for the Liberal Party, both at a sate and Federal level. The best thing the parliamentary Labor Party has going for it is Jeffrey Glib Kennett. His "modest but forceful" comments on everything and anything have endeared him to no one, least of all his nervous group of backbenchers. Six years after he was thrust into power, Victorians have become sick and tired of his visions. Glib has nothing to offer the Liberal Party, let alone the Victorian Community. The sooner he is tipped out of office, the better for all Victorians. If his backbench had any backbone they would give him the boot. Glib knows the writing is on the wall, no wonder he put his signature on papers that will give him two full time staff, a car, office and a very nice weekly wage for the rest of his life. Considering the number of enemies he has made during his parliamentary career, I wouldn't be surprised if legislation is passed in parliament that will strip him of his new found wealth. On the other hand, considering the amoeba like performance of the Labor Party, he may get away with his outrageous golden handshake to himself. JOSEPH TOSCANO (Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society). ANARCHIST PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED THIS WEEK MOTHER EARTH, Anarcha-Feminist News No.5 August 1998, PO Box 1102, Upwey 3158, Victoria Australia Tel (03) 9754 3620. REBEL WORKER Vol 18, No.4 (154) Aug/Sept'98, PO Box 92, Broadway 2007, Sydney, Australia Email BICEL No.7 April 1998/CatalogBibliografio, F.E.L.A.L. Paseo Alberto Palacios No.2, 28021 Madrid, Spain, Tel 91-7970424, Fax 91-5052183, Email> CNT No.234 May'98, Apdo Correas 4040, 18080 Granada Spain, Tel 958-220065, Fax 958-220119. FREEDOM Vol, 59 No.15 1st Aug'98, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E17QX Great Britian email ROJO Y NEGRO No.100 May'98, Compania 9, 10 129, 31001 Pamplona/Iruna Spain, Tel (948) 224766 Fax (948) 212399 SOLIDARIDAD OBRERA No.278 Apr/May'98, C/- Joaquin Costa, 34, entresulo 68001 Barcelona, Spain Tel & Fax (93) 3188834. TIERRA Y LIBERTAD No.126 May'98, Antonio Oliva, Apdo 74, La Puebla de Rio/ SE 41150, Spain Tel/Fax (95) 5772135, Email tierray/ DEBT ELIMINATION APPEAL - PUSH US OVER THE LINE Our debt stands at $899.50. We would like to eliminate this debt by June. Over the past two years we have been able to reduce our debt from over $3000.00 to a little over $800.00. If you've hesitated helping us overcome our debt because you didn't want to throw good money after bad, well you don't need to worry as we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We need a little bit of extra help to push us over the line. So if you haven't helped before and want to help, make out cheques or money orders to Libertarian Workers and send it to L.W.S.S. PO Box 20 Parkville 3052 Melbourne, Australia. THANKS!! DEBT 19.8.98 - $899.50 A) ANARCHISM TOWARDS THE 21ST CENTURY B) TOWARDS AN ANARCHIST SOCIETY - Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society Position & Activities 1998. Send $4.00 of stamps to L.W.S.S. PO Box 20 Parkville 3052 Melbourne Australia & we will post out both booklets to you. ANARCHIST MUTUAL AID COLLECTIVE Do you want to be a member of an Anarchist Mutual Aid Collective that wants to establish a radical Alternative to dominant capitalist culture? Then contact Ray Dimitroff/Secretary, Anarchist Mutual Aid Collective, PO Box 280 Upper Ferntree Gully 3156, Victoria Australia. Email ANARCHIST MEDIA INSTITUTE PUBLIC DISCUSSION MEETING ANARCHISM and DISABILITY 8.00pm Thursday 27th August 1998, Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane. Melbourne (Near corner Swanston St) All Welcome Anarres Bookshop Collective will have a Bookstall on the night. ANARCHIST AGE MONTHLY REVIEW BACK!! - 36 PAGES OF NEWS AND VIEWS - SUBSCRIBE TODAY Subscription $48.00 - 12 issues wage earners, $30.00 - 12 issues non-wage earners Please make out cheques and money orders to LIBERTARIAN WORKERS & post to PO Box 20, Parkville 3052 Melbourne. Australia. ISSUE NO.81 AUGUST 1998 - OUT NOW. AS WE DON'T WANT TO SUSPEND PUBLICATION IN THE FUTURE, ONLY SUBSCRIBERS WILL RECEIVE THE ANARCHIST AGE MONTHLY REVIEW. MOTHER EARTH Anarcha-Feminist News, Issue No.5 August 1998 Out Now!! 16 pages of News, Views and Contacts. PO Box 1102, Upwey 3158, Victoria Australia Tel (03) 9754 3620. Subscriptions $35/$25 concession for 13 issues. $3.50 (single issue) includes postage. Free to wymyn in prisons and psych hospitals. SPECIAL OFFER - ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION FREE IF YOU SELL 10 COPIES OF ANY ISSUE. ANARCHIST MEDIA INSTITUTE OBSCENITY OF THE WEEK Has been jointly awarded to Dapper Pierre Costello and his side kick the incumbent Prime Minister John Howard for launching a tax plan that benefits people with disposable incomes - Good one boys!! If You Like What You Have Read, Photocopy This Publication and Leave It In Doctors, Dentists, Vets Waiting Rooms and In Railway Stations, Bus Stops, Libraries and Restaurants Etc. The articles in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review express the opinion of individuals within the Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society/Anarchist Media Institute. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society/Anarchist Media Institute. P U B L I C A T I O N S Anarchist Age Weekly Review - 4 pages of Anarchist commentary on Local, National and International events. $50.00 for 50 issues $10.00 for 10 issues Anarchist Age Monthly Review - Issue 80 out July 1998 $48.00 wage earners - 12 issues $30.00 non wage earners - 12 issues Make out cheques or money orders to: Libertarian Workers, PO Box 20, Parkville, 3052 Victoria Australia. All material in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review can be used by anarchists, anarchist collectives and non-profit organisations as long as the source of the material is mentioned in the article. The Anarchist Age Weekly Review reserves all rights as far as commercial publications are concerned. NEVER DOUBT THAT A SMALL GROUP OF THOUGHTFUL COMMITTED CITIZENS CAN CHANGE THE WORLD - MARGARET MEAD.