Michael Cropley
"The Zapatista Communities in Resistance" (Friday pm)
Robin Harper MSP
"Green Politics"
John Watson "Think Globally, Act Locally""
Jenny Gaiawyn "Peaceful Intervention in War Situations"
Michael C.: "Prisoner Support"
Angela, Michael C., Graham (NEWR): "Supporting Refugees and
their community"
"'Anti-Capitalism' & the Struggle against Capitalism"
Panda: "Co-Counselling"
Jamie: "Sexuality and Politics of Identity"
Cloudberry: "Womens Health"
AFC: "Anarchafeminism"
Helen: "The struggle at Gartocher Terrace"
Max: "Direct action tactics"
Max: "Fundraising for your project"
Max: "Using Linux and recycled hardware"
Rising Tide Collective: "Climate Change"
Rhiannon: "Consensus"
Jan: "Banana Link"
Carlo: "GM tactics"
Anita and Geoff: "Permaculture"
John: "Housing Coops"
Anita. "LETS"
Faslane Peace Camp: "Practical Skills"
Nick: "Environmental music around the world"
Tara: "Agents of Change"
Jane: "Defending yourself in court"
Rhiannon: "Facilitation training"
Phil: "Anti-war! Building up a Scottish network"
Chris: "Grass roots media"
Mark: "Dealing with media"
Joan: "Bilston Wood- No Alignment Action Group"
Talamh's own workshops:
About Talamh
Anna: Geodesic dome building
Alex: Herbal medicine walk
Abbey: Home education
Ian: Gaia
Ant: Renewable Energy
Tartan: Hand wool spinning and natural dying
Films and discussions:
The Itoiz dam
The noborder camps- Woomera (Australia)
The situation in Argentina
S26: Prague
The Black Panthers
Approximate length of workshops 1.5 to 2 hours. A TV and video
recorder is available.
Rough Time