Spunk Library Directory Catalog
Last updated: October 25, 2000
Actions and Protests [12 items]
Alternative Section [14 items]
- Texts and materials that aren't necessarily anarchist
Anarchafeminism [28 items]
Antifascism [17 items]
Art [10 items]
Bibliographies [9 items]
- Guides to anarchist books and articles.
Cartoons [15 items]
- By and about anarchists and anarchism
Colonialism and Decolonisation [7 items]
Communications and Anarchism [47 items]
- Digital anarchy, computers, and more
Consensus Decision-making [4 items]
Contacts [2 items]
- Guides to finding anarchists and anarchist groups
Copyrighted items - Materials in all categories under copyright
Critiques of material in the Spunk Library [1 items]
- Feedback from our users about Spunk items
Education [6 items]
- Deschooling society and modern schools
Environment [32 items]
Events [24 items]
- Anarchist gatherings, conventions, meetings, schools, and more...
Fiction [25 items]
- Works of fiction by anarchist authors
Film Reviews [3 items]
Food Politics [21 items]
Anarchist Groups Worldwide [255 items]
Historical Material - miscellaneous [2 items]
Anarchic Humour [3 items]
Anarchist Individuals Past And Present
Introductions to anarchism (see also biblio) [13 items]
Miscellaneous unindexed [93 items]
- Hey, we can't categorize everything!
Music related issues [2 items]
Other Political Views [16 items]
- Political works of interest to anarchists but which aren't anarchist.
Geographical Areas [89 items]
- Anarchy by country
Peace and Anti-militarism
Physical and Mental Health issues
Poetry [37 items]
- Poetry by anarchists
Prison and Prisoners
- Articles about anarchist projects and anarchistic projects like infoshops and Food not Bombs
Anarchist Prose [3 items]
Publications [384 items]
- Online versions of anarchist and anti-authoritarian zines, magazines, journals, and newspapers
Quotations by Anarchists [20 items]
Recipes from Anarchists [11 items]
- Food recipes!
Reviews [9 items]
Technology and Anarchism [6 items]
????! [4 items]
Writers [100 items]
- Writings by Emma Goldman, Kropotkin, Berkman, et al.
Miscellaneous Pictures of Anarchists [16 items]
Back to the Spunk Library homepage
Anti-Copyright: Spunk Library, 1995, 1998, 2000.
Catalog generated: 8-February-98
(actual documents retrieved from etext.archive.umich.edu)